Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.
My name is Marilyn and I’m the author of the memoir Empty Branch: Finding Hope Through Lament. It’s my first book—and it was published when I was 60 years old. Writing it taught me that it’s never too late to pick up the pen, the paintbrush or a lump of clay and create.
Forming the words for my book was a painstakingly beautiful process. I wept and lamented through every chapter and nearly shelved the entire manuscript. I forged ahead because within the story hope emerged, lifting my heart and making space for me to continue to write about my grief journey after my son, David, was killed in Iraq in 2004. Throughout the journey I have been learning about the biblical language of lament. I have found lament to be a gift of grace and a way to connect with God. I am confident that He sees me, hears my lament over David and tenderly calls me beloved as He comforts me.
I grew up in Portland, Oregon and now live in a nearby suburb called Happy Valley. I married my high school sweetheart, we have four children, five grandchildren and a rescued cockapoo named Lucy. I am a Gold Star Mom. I identify as a type four on the enneagram and I like to spend my time writing, reading, creating art, and hanging out with family and friends.
I also love to travel and have been bitten by the traveling bug. On my blog I will write of some of my experiences in Hawaii, Morocco and Europe. I also love to drive through the prairies of South Dakota, while visiting family. I love the wide open spaces, blue skies and swaying fields of green. It feels peaceful and hopeful as I drive through the prairies…it reminds me of the wide open space God offers us as we grieve and it feels like I can hear the song He sings over me.